Hi everyone and welcome to my blog, where I would like to share with you a few bits and pieces of my personal life. First of all, my name is Umar Zafri, I am 16 years old. I have 3 siblings, I am the second or middle child of my 3 siblings.I also have 5 cats living with me in my house.
I am currently studying in science stream at SMKA Al-Irshad. My school has many wonderful teachers teaching the students many different subjects. My favourite subject has to be English because I just love speaking the language and the different accents it has can be very funny. I have my goals set to become and engineer in the future. I have no idea if I can make it or not but I will try my best.
I have 3 different hobbies, one of which is playing video games. While it may sound funny to you, playing video games does me a lot of wonders. I play FPS games because they can be really challenging, and I love competing against other people. I like playing video games in my free time because it can help me relieve my stress from doing homework from school and it can also bring me joy when I am sad.
I also play badminton during my free time because it helps me get a little sweaty during the week because I am not an active person. Frankly, you can't even make me go out to take a walk during the week because I just hate walking or running, just hearing the word 'walk' makes my blood boil. Anyways, I play badminton with my dad, my little sister, and my mom but it's usually only fun when I'm playing with my dad because I have to try a little harder to beat him.
Monday, March 10, 2025
Umar's Webpage
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Blog Bersawang!!!
sian blog nih!!!dah terlebih sawang dah...almost 2 month x berblog...
busy yang amat sangat...but..2day me try gak nak menulis...
dah rindu sgt nak berblog...tapi x pernahnya berkesempatan....
anyway, saje je nak interprem ngan my family nye
phote..taken during our short n unplanned vacation to
CH....nantilah me story in the next n3 ye...
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Kung Fu Panda 2....
tengok rating dalam imdb 8.1...wah..mesti best nyer!!!rating
tinggi tu...plan ngan hubby nak g tgk esok..
bawak si kakak...adik x reti dok diam dalam cinema...
sat g kang...melalak la..pe la...haha...
Monday, May 23, 2011
AiRaSiA PrOmOtiOn!!!!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Riadah @ Sedim....
Zfri x berani nak pijak pasir tuh..dok gendong ngan abah
dia je...
tengok le air dia..punya la deras...memang main air pun kat tepi2x
je...hubby pun x berani nak pegi jauh2x..
Amirah suka sangat main kat sini..best katanya!!
Zafri dah start nak main...dok tampar air tuh...
Anak-beranak dok syok main..kui2x
Amirah jerit kat abah dia...Abah!!stop!!!
Sampai kesudah Zafri x nak jejak kaki kat pasir...
berendam kat situ ada la dalam 1 lebih cam tuh...
Zafri dah sejuk sgt...menggeletar dah dia...haha...
Monday, May 16, 2011
Budak Merajuk????
sangat nih???haha...sapa lagi??si Zafri la...
dah besar nih..pandai la pulak dia merajuk...:)penat umi dok memujuk...
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Dah dapat header free!!!!!

cantik x????hehe...thanks to InaAchik
dia la yang design header nih....suke sangat2x..cute!!!
me joint contest yg dia buat..and luckily me one of the winner....excited sgt
pasal festime menang contest!!haha..kesian kan???semalam
email gambar..pagi ni dah dapat....terror btul cik kak ni
design...dah tu menepati citarasa...haha...again, thanks to Ina...:)