wah ...dah almost 2 weeks nampaknya saya dah x update blog kesayangan nih..:)al-maklum la...sibuk memanjang dgn aktiviti yang mencurah2x...anyway, dah lama sangat dok tangguh utk n3 Vietnam Trip last ku gagahkan juga tanganku utk menaip..kang simpan lama2x banyak benda la pulak nak diceritakan kat dalam blog la..aktiviti semakin bertambah...hari berlalu dengan sekelip mata...
sekejap ja dah masuk July...pasni Ogos...dah posa...
anyway, back to my n3,Vietnam Trip...actually we went there on 18- 21 June 2010 for my hubby's reunion...flight departured from, went to Tampin on Thursday afternoon coz' we have to send our lil' prince to my MIL's house...we didn't bring him along as we still afraid of H1N1 and the main reason is ...he's too small to go for the trip...espcially to the 3rd world country...takut gak...
so, malam tu jugak we drove back to my BF's house for a nite...then, went out early morning...the flite was at 9.15am...jenuh gak le nak kejut nurul...well...smooth sailing gak le...sampai LCCT..check in...bla2x....breakfast sat...
this is our picture before fly to Vietnam...Nurul with her Phoebe..sampai ke Vietnam dia angkut Phoebe...hubby sempat lagi ber FB...and he luckyly find out that his friend also will be in Vietnam till, sempat la bertemujanji with his friend..:)

sempat lagi nak pose kat gate Airasia..this was the 2nd time nurul fly by airasia..:)..order meal utk nurul je sbb awal tadi dia x nak mkn...x le mahal sgt pun...ok la..perjalanan dari Malaysia ke Vitenam tooks almost 2hrs...our departure time was at 9.15am and we touched down the Vietnam at 10 ++am ...haha...dah x ingat sampai kol brapa...anyway, time Vietnam lambat 1hr dari Malaysia....
so, sampai je...1st p cari money changer...ari tu tukar kat Penang Airport USD..diorg x dak Vietnam Dong....tukar RM1500 dapat USD450++ja..siap dok gelak kat staf yg keja kat situ...aik...byk nih je saya, kat Airport Vietnam nih...byk gak rate diorg...x sama..kena pandai survey...hubby le yg buat sume nih...saya jaga Nurul..budak nakal...kalau x salah hubby dapat USD1 = 18900VND ok la tuh.....
dah dapat duit diorg...sms his friends yang dah sampai Saigon...nak jumpa kat ne etc....looking for a cab....seb baik hubby's friends bgtau siap tamabng dr airport brapa...kalau x mmg kena ketuknye....erm....diorg kat sini mmg suka ketuk tourist!!!dari airport ke hotel kat Saigon city they charge us USD8...pastu..kena ketuk lagi USD5...driver taxi tu ckp passanger yg kena byr utk tol...hampeh btul la...bila tanya local....x pun!!mentang2x la kami ni tourist...sedap dok pau!!
dah sampai hotel...x ingat le nama hotel...nih hotel biasa ja...sbb hubby's friends was a backpacker,diorg mmg x pilih hotel mahal...sekadar nak tido mlm ja...siang pegi jln2x...betul gak kan!!so, save la budget....sampai je,wait for their local friend's named Anh....dia yg jadi tourist guide kitorg...pegi mkn....lepas makan....we all plan pegi Chu Ben Tanh Market...kat market mcm2x benda ada jual....dari mknan...souvenier...baju2x....textiles...haha..nih syok sekali...mcm2x jenis cotton dok ada...murah2x lak tuh...paling murah dapat 4 meter bidang 60 bleh dapat USD8..viscose..lembut sgt....kain chiffon x ingat brapa...tapi mmg murah la...time ni p sat ja...sempat la beli utk my mum n MIL dulu....dok survey jelah dulu..sbb hari last nanti kitorg balik Saigon.....
ha...nih gambar time nak p market tuh...kitorg jalan kaki je...sbb x le jauh sgt dari hotel tuh...gambar kat atas tu le part kitorg kat bhgn org jual kain...diorg nih, disebabkan ramai sgt customer dr Malaysia...sampai diorg pun dah pandai ckp Melayu....
so, dah puas pusing2x dalam market tuh....sesi bergambar lak kat luar masa jalan nak balik...kat Saigon nih agak sibuk sket..byk dgn motor....honking everywhere...bising sgt...mmg x sesuai bw baby kat sini....seb baik le x bw Zafri...

dah penat berjalan,kitorg singgah kat
coffee higland...dekat ja dgn market tadi...kat Vietnam nih..mmg terkenal dgn coffee diorg...mmg best...kitorg kat Vietnam...setiap masa mesti order coffee...mmg x leh lawan ngan mana!!!!this is a must if u guys visit to Vietnam...yang paling best ..they have their own way to make a coffee....very unique....
erm.....kat Vietnam nih...kalau nak ambik cab diorg ...make sure amik yang ada meter...kalau ambik yang x dak meter...diorg akan ketuk tourist...seingat saya nama cab yang ada meter was
VINASUN TAXI ...kalau yg x dak meter..mmg diorg akan charge mahal..and saja je bw jalan jauh...padahal tempat yg kita nak pegi tuh...dekat je pun....
erm...penat dok menaip nih....sambung part 11 pulak yer....see yaa...