Salam...this event was held on 14 Nov 2010 @ PGR.....
awal2x pagi jenuh la nak kejutkan si Amirah ni....
dah tu nak kena make-up kan siap2x plak tuh...
ermmm...anyway, manage to arrived there @ 8.15am..
so,oklah..then we all pegi breakfast dulu .....siap breakfast around 8.40am..
terus pegi PGR....@ 9++ baru diorg start ....
awal2x pagi jenuh la nak kejutkan si Amirah ni....
dah tu nak kena make-up kan siap2x plak tuh...
ermmm...anyway, manage to arrived there @ 8.15am..
so,oklah..then we all pegi breakfast dulu .....siap breakfast around 8.40am..
terus pegi PGR....@ 9++ baru diorg start ....

erm....Zafri sekejap je dah kebosanan.....
mula la nak menghisap jari ....pastu nak merangkak la...

so, this is their costume...i'm not sure what was that...
haha..lawak btul..seksi semacam aje....diorg ada
dance show...mcm2x lagu diorg menari...
i think it was a really big effort from the teacher....
to teach them dancing...

they have few dance show...and one of them was hindustan dance...
from 6yrs student.....really fascinated with their talent....
the custome was really nice...cute sangat....on that day,
baru tahu yang teacher Kavita luvs her very much...she even said that Amirah was her anak!!anyway, after a few hous Zafri falls asleep....
dah tak tahan sangat mata dia...
this was the best part....her teacher called her ..beratur kat tepi
stage with one of the 3yrs student....
i don't have any ideas what kind of trophy
she will get....then..the teacher made an intro speech...
about how clever they were...and how talented
they were...the..she announced her name with
I was ....surprised!!!well...anyway...congrats to Amirah...
for that trophy.....i'm really proud of you....
the event finished @, lunch..
then we headed to Taman Sejati Indah to visit my
grandson....haha....dah ada cucu beb!!i dah jadi nenek...
both my kids dah jadi uncle n untie...
i'll put some photos of my grandson in my next n3 ye....
for that trophy.....i'm really proud of you....
the event finished @, lunch..
then we headed to Taman Sejati Indah to visit my
grandson....haha....dah ada cucu beb!!i dah jadi nenek...
both my kids dah jadi uncle n untie...
i'll put some photos of my grandson in my next n3 ye....
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