Pharmacist Career Week??bila pulak nih???anyway, we have been invited by
BM give a talk on Pharmacist Career to their form 5 student...
just as an exposure for least they can target which field they wanna
get involve with after SPM....this event was on last Thursday (10/3/2011)..
who was the speaker???ehemm...haha..that was me...kui2x..
memula dok ingat cam nervous ja..tapi bila ada kat depan student..
ok le plak pasal me imagined diorg as, the talk went smooth sailing...
apart from the talk..we also had some exhibition...ada la bawak sample
ubat2x, brochure, reference book and many, ok lah..
let the pic. do the talking..:)
the person involved..3 darpd kiri tu..cikgu kaunseling BM Highschool...and the IPPT,USM ..thanks to all yg terlibat....
dia bagi talk on Penolong Pegawai Farmasi...then, after each session ada
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gift daripada pun salah satu trick la nak bagi
bebudak nih pay attention..
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